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Board Member Highlight: Debra Lowrance, Midwife & Entrepreneur

Posted about 1 year ago

Debra Lowrance, DNP, APRN-FPA, CNM, WHNP, IBCLC, is the Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) representative on the ISAPN Board of Directors. Her strong support for the profession led her to her role on the board.

“I vowed that whenever I became a midwife, I would work to spread midwifery. Legislation is probably the biggest piece of that, so I felt I had to get more involved. ISAPN worked so hard to get full practice authority, and I truly believe in the group because I can see they get things done.”

Starting Her Home Birth Business in Illinois

In 2018, as an APRN with full practice authority, Lowrance opened Labor of Love Midwifery and Women's Health in Robinson, Illinois. She and her team offer prenatal care, birth, and postpartum services and support. As the only CNM providing home births in southern Illinois, Lowrance is in high demand, covering a territory of up to three hours radius.

She prides herself in creating a relaxed, comfortable environment where there is no waiting period, and appointments begin with a 30–45-minute conversation so she can fully grasp each patient's individual needs.

Offering Women Birthing Options

She began her midwife career in hospital settings, but she was left feeling discouraged about some of the practices and restrictions she encountered.

“In most hospitals, you’re not allowed to eat or drink while you’re in labor. Research for over 20 years has demonstrated that women do better when they’re allowed to eat and drink,” she explains.

“And pushing positions! Don’t even get me started on this. In a home birth world, women choose what position they are. I will tell you, very few of my mamas ever choose to lay down. All of these things that midwives like to employ during birth are the things that make us really good at what we do.”

Now, Lowrance relishes the freedom that comes with having her own practice, often collaborating with other practitioners of a holistic or alternative nature, allowing her to offer patients further options and services from which they may benefit.

“Doula care is something that women don’t consider often enough. Having a doula present at your birth can reduce your risk of C-sections greatly. If this is a first-time birth for any mama, I recommend getting doula care at minimum,” she says.

For those who are pregnant, she has this reminder:

“About 80% of women are low risk. Pregnancy is not a disease or illness. It’s a very natural occurrence in nature. We’ve done it for thousands of years, and we’ll do it for a thousand more. We have this ability innate in our body to do this.”

Advice for Entrepreneurs

To others considering stepping out on their own, Lowrance advises, "Find a good mentor and ask lots of questions. I sought out people who had their own business who could answer my questions and give support. Having that mentor to help you get going is really helpful."

And, of course, she hopes more CNMs open their own businesses.

“One of the issues I have encountered is clearly in this job is the lack of midwifery services throughout south central Illinois. There is just a general lack of midwives in this particular part of the state.

“You have a lot of women who are searching for other options, so they’re looking for home birth. I think at the last count, we had maybe 25 midwives across the state who are doing home births. The demand for my services is just skyrocketing, and, honestly, it’s getting hard to keep up.”