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Unlock Your Nursing Potential: ISAPN Midwest Conference

Posted 11 months ago

Continuing Education holds immense significance within the nursing profession. Beyond being a licensure requirement, it plays a pivotal role in enhancing the skills and capabilities of healthcare professionals. The key event in this regard is the ISAPN Midwest Conference, an annual gathering dedicated to delivering comprehensive Continuing Education to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).

The conference serves as a platform for education and a prime opportunity for networking among nursing professionals. Given the widespread presence of APRNs across Illinois, the Midwest Conference serves as a unifying venue where nurses can converge to exchange innovative ideas, cultivate leadership competencies, and access the latest advancements in medical knowledge.

Benefits of the Midwest Conference

Midwest Conference offers comprehensive learning opportunities for nurses. With many different sessions for different nursing specialties, legislative healthcare updates, and leadership seminars, Midwest Conference provides a platform for nurses to come together in the search for education. Over three days, ARPNs can attend seminars that go beyond nursing practices. Participants can learn about marketing and social media in healthcare and participate in discussions about healthcare in groups like the LGBTQIA+ or Latino Communities. If you, as a nurse, have a question about anything in healthcare, there is someone to discuss with you!

Networking and collaboration are at the heart of the Midwest Conference. With so many Illinois ARPNs coming together, this conference facilitates discussion among professionals from different specialties. These networking opportunities allow for knowledge exchange and potential career collaboration! 

"I am excited to network with other professionals in a welcoming learning environment! It was tough to decide which sessions to attend because they all sounded so interesting! I cannot wait to see what I learn at MWC." Alexis Sisk, RN. Alexis is a student at Maryville University and a first-time conference attendee.

Leadership seminars teach skills to apply in day-to-day work. Attending this conference contributes to nurses' personal and professional growth by enhancing their skills, knowledge, and perspectives. 

"I have attended MWC since becoming an APRN. Each year, I find sessions geared toward where I am professionally in my APRN career. MWC is designed to offer valuable information to all APRNs - from novice practice to skilled business owners. It is also a place to meet new colleagues from all over the state and even catch up with old friends you've met from previous years! Not only do you build lasting friendships, but you also develop a network of nursing experts. I always look forward to MWC!" – Stephanie Crawford, DN, ARPN, President of ISAPN. 

Continuing Education (CE) Hours Offered

ISAPN recognizes nurses' need to find options that qualify for their CE hours, which is why its Midwest Conference offers 31 CE credits! Nurses who join in on the conference have direct access to many educational sessions with CE credits and they can catch up on the sessions they could not attend on-demand virtually after the event. This ensures that ISAPN members can make the most of the conference and get as many CE hours as possible. 

Midwest Conference is specifically designed for ARPNs looking for CE hours in specialized fields. Sessions in fields like Labor and Delivery, Neurology, and Endocrinology can be found in this tailored experience. 4.25 CE hours are also offered for Pharmacology! ARPNs who participate in Midwest Conference receive a tailored experience that suits their needs. 

Interactive Workshops and Hands-On Sessions

Attendees get up close and personal with demonstrations, allowing the full learning experience to occur. 

By implementing a personal learning style, nurses get a practical sense of new techniques and real-world applications. The opportunities offered by this experiential learning allow for greater understanding. Sessions like Stop the Bleed focus on teaching nurses the best practices for controlling bleeding by getting participants in physical exercise. Empathetic training is also a part of this interactive workshop. How Not to Traumatize Your Students is a great session to provide experience in teaching for the aspiring nursing professor. 

Whether physical or emotional, hands-on learning for nurses is vital to the success of their careers. ISAPN's Midwest Conference offers this experience to its members and participants with interactive sessions and workshops. 

“Midwest Conference is a three-day event, giving attendees the chance to sit down with professionals at every opportunity and get hands-on experience” – Susan Y Swart, Executive Director of ISAPN.

To see a full of these opportunities, click this link!

Elevate Your Nursing Career With ISAPNs

Midwest Conference is one of the many benefits of an ISAPN Membership. Advocating and promoting ARPN's careers, networking among experienced professionals, and collaborating with professionals in the healthcare industry all come along with being a part of ISAPN. 

Join ISAPN today and secure your place at Midwest Conference. Embrace the chance to learn, connect, and elevate your nursing career. Together, we can advance our profession and drive excellence in healthcare. Join now!