Empower Your APRN Journey: New Year's Resolutions for Advanced Practice Nurses
Posted about 1 year ago

As we start the new year, the buzz of New Year's Resolutions fills the air. Yet, for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), resolutions can go beyond personal improvements. Setting goals for the new year is a great way to advance careers, find passion and motivation, and learn new things. Let's explore five resolutions ISAPN came up with that are tailored for APRNs looking to empower their professional journey in the coming year.
5 New Year’s Resolutions for APRNs:
Become a Mentor:
- Mentorship in nursing is a vital part of healthcare. Many young nurses can remember benefiting from a mentor as they worked to grow in healthcare. Becoming a mentor signifies a commitment to nursing, and continuing the legacy of helping the next generation of healthcare professionals.
Start an Advanced Degree:
Pursuing an advanced degree is a resolution that can not only advance your career but can also reignite your passion for your profession. Whether it's a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) or a post-master's certificate, advancing one's education opens doors to enhanced skills, expanded scope of practice, and increased opportunities for leadership positions.
- ISAPN members have the benefit of requesting graduation cords to complete their graduation outfits in style! Fill out this form and make your New Year's Resolution complete.

Challenge Yourself to Think Outside the Box:
- Expand your expertise by venturing into a new nursing specialization! Learn more about billing or pursue new telehealth opportunities.
- ISAPN members have the ability to join our APRN2APRN collaboration calls. These free calls happen 9 times a year with new topics every time. Earn 1 hour of CE per call and learn new and challenging ideas every time!
Go for a Leadership Position:
- One of the most impactful resolutions for an APRN is stepping into a leadership role. Nursing leadership is one of the founding aspects of healthcare. Set the goal to find leadership opportunities that help you shape policies, influence practice and improve healthcare overall. Nothing says job growth like a promotion to department head or Nursing Director!
- Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. If your eyes are set on becoming a leader, surround yourself with them. Our first in-person event of the year is Nurses Day at the Capitol on April 17th in Springfield IL. Save the date!
Join ISAPN and Encourage Other APRNs to Join:
- ISAPN is the only organization in Illinois that represents all APRN specialties. If you value diversity and inclusion this is the organization for you and if you are already a member make it a priority to tell others to join you! We provide platforms to connect with peers, stay informed about legislative changes, and actively participate in initiatives that shape the future of advanced practice nursing. Join Today!
Looking Forward to the New ISAPN Year!
ISAPN is excited to empower your APRN journey in the new year. Learn more about leadership opportunities, ways to earn CE hours, and mentorship by visiting our website.
The new year is a new chance to move forward, and ISAPN is dedicated to helping you achieve your resolution! Join us!