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ISAPN Member Highlight: Cassie Ishmael

Posted about 1 year ago

Every week, ISAPN spotlights one of our amazing members. In honor of CRNA week, read ahead to learn more about CRNA, Cassie Ishmael!

Cassie Ishmael


What are your credentials? 



What is your area of practice/specialty?

CRNA: Anesthesiology   FNP: Critical Care/Primary Care


If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go and why? 

I would travel to Sweden. From snowy mountains to white sandy beaches, Sweden has it all. Sweden is a wonderful destination for outdoor enthusiasts. I would specifically travel to Sweden between September and March to experience the magnificent Northern Lights.


How many years have you worked in healthcare? 

21 years


What inspired you to become a member of ISAPN?

I was looking for an opportunity to do more within my professional community and one of my CRNA mentors recommended ISAPN to me. 


What is your favorite book?

The Simple Path to Wealth by J.L. Collins


If you couldn't be an APRN, what other job would you try? 

I would be a minister. It is an honor and a privilege to serve others. Whether it be physically or spiritually. 


How has being a member of ISAPN benefited you?

I have expanded my professional network, furthered my professional development, utilized mentorship opportunities and built a strong professional support system through ISAPN membership. I especially look forward to the annual ISAPN Midwest Conference to join this vibrant and supportive community to engage in educational programs and workshops to enhance my existing knowledge and skills. 


If you could go back in time and give yourself advice as a student. What would it be? 

I would tell myself to operate from a place of abundance and gratitude for the Blessings, people and opportunities that have been placed in my path. Be grateful for the growth, the Joy and the struggles. Continue on the path that is not certain. Continue to stretch beyond the zone of comfort and into areas of the unknown. Let go of the past, let go of expectations, let go of things that don't serve you anymore and have the courage to continue creating and believing in the Amazing future ahead.

Ready to take the next step in your career? Join ISAPN today!