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ISAPN Member Highlight: April Odom

Posted about 2 months ago

 Leadership, mentorship, and connections. Just a few of the things this week's ISAPN member April Odom loves about our organization. Tune in each week to learn about ISAPN’s amazing members!

April Odom


What are your credentials? 



What is your area of practice/specialty?

Family practice 


If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go and why? 

A private island with all-inclusive service. Because I love the beach, the water, and being pampered. Not sure this place exists but if it does I’m looking for it! 


How many years have you worked in healthcare? 

22 years.


What inspired you to become a member of ISAPN?

I was shown a video by my instructors, and felt that I needed to be in this community with my colleagues. I joined as a student and took advantage of every opportunity. 


What is your favorite book?

Soulmates Dissipate by Mary B Morrison 


If you couldn't be an APRN, what other job would you try? 

I would be an event planner. 


How has being a member of ISAPN benefited you?

I have been able to grow as a leader by being involved in ISAPN. Not to mention the connections I have made over the years. I have learned how to amplify my voice to help my patients, my colleagues and myself in this healthcare world. 


If you could go back in time and give yourself advice as a student. What would it be? 

Take advantage of every opportunity….even the ones that scare you! 


Social Media Handles

FB: April J. Odom 

IG: @Apriljodom 

LinkedIn: April J. Odom

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