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ISAPN Member Highlight: Hannah Holmes

Posted about 1 month ago

Building resumes, finding connections, and gaining leadership skills. Just a few reasons this week's ISAPN Member of the Week joined us! Read ahead to learn all about Hannah Holmes and why she joined ISAPN. 

Hannah Holmes


What are your credentials? 



What is your area of practice/specialty?

Family Practice, Adolescent Medicine 


If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go and why? 

I have always wanted to visit Chile! The combination of mountains, beach, and wine country sound right up my alley.


How many years have you worked in healthcare? 

I started working in healthcare 17 years ago as a CNA.


What inspired you to become a member of ISAPN?

I originally joined ISAPN as a resume builder right after graduation. I started to get involved in region meetings because I craved connection with other APRNs. Being able to talk to other newer providers was comforting, and my involvement has blossomed from there.


What is your favorite book?

So many. My favorite Healthcare related read is The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman


If you couldn't be an APRN, what other job would you try? 

I would like to try being a Yoga instructor, or anything low stress. Is yoga teaching low stress?


How has being a member of ISAPN benefited you?

I have had numerous opportunities to grow as an APRN and a leader with ISAPN. From working on a committee, to chairing that committee, I've learned so much and have enjoyed growing my professional network.


If you could go back in time and give yourself advice as a student. What would it be? 

You don't have to work so hard!


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