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ISAPN Member Highlight: Dana Ruholl

Posted 21 days ago

Welcome back to another week with ISAPN! No matter what area, or specialty you are in, ISAPN is an organization that is here to support you. Read ahead to learn about Dana Ruholl and her experience with ISAPN. 

Dana Ruholl


What are your credentials? 



What is your area of practice/specialty?

Student APRN


If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go and why? 

Venice, Italy. I have always wanted to take a gondola ride in the "Floating City" and I would never say no to some good wine and good food!


How many years have you worked in healthcare? 

13 years. I started in a Health Occ Program in high school and never looked back!


What inspired you to become a member of ISAPN?

ISAPN offers great resources and education. I have also met fantastic people who offer experience and insight. 


What is your favorite book?

In the last year, I have really enjoyed Born a Crime by Trevor Noah.


If you couldn't be an APRN, what other job would you try? 

Something in hospitality would be fun. I have a great time party planning, coordinating events, and bringing people together!


How has being a member of ISAPN benefited you?

It has helped enhance my education as an APRN and offered in-depth perspective to many subjects.


If you could go back in time and give yourself advice as a student. What would it be? 

Well I am a student at the moment. But best advice I have come upon is set a high goal, but break it down into little steps. Never pass up an opportunity to celebrate and be proud of yourself!


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