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ISAPN Member Highlight: Linda Tinson

Posted 16 days ago by Emily Mc Mahon

Welcome to this week's ISAPN Member Highlight! Each week, we give a spotlight to one of our outstanding ISAPN members. This week we highlight Linda Tinson! Keep reading to learn more about Linda and why she joined ISAPN.

Linda Tinson


What are your credentials? 

MPH, APRN, ANP-BC, ACCHT, RhT, EFT Practitioner


What is your area of practice/specialty?

Primary Care, Alternative Care


If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go and why? 

I love to travel and am particularly interested in visiting places that have spiritual significance and seeing the wonders of our mother earth.


How many years have you worked in healthcare? 

Let's just say I'm very close to the big "5-0."


What inspired you to become a member of ISAPN?

I wanted to be a part of an organization that would uplift our professional practice. Being a nurse and nurse practitioner in particular has been both challenging and rewarding. 


What is your favorite book?

I tend to read books that are spiritually uplifting or about self-empowerment. Presently I'm reading "In Tune with the Infinite" and "The Seven Spiritual Laws" and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.


If you couldn't be an APRN, what other job would you try?
I'd be in the arts creating movement, performance, and sound.


How has being a member of ISAPN benefited you?

It solidified my confidence as an advanced practice nurse but more importantly it has provided solidarity, if you will, for others in the healthcare field to recognize our important contributions. I love how as a member we support: what a nurse colleague needs to know to become an advanced practice nurse, precepting newbies and  advocating the legislature at all levels: local, county, and state. ISAPN is a "full" service organization!


If you could go back in time and give yourself advice as a student. What would it be? 

Never stop learning. Always advocate for what is right for the highest benefit of all. Have fun while you are doing it!


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