ON DEMAND 2024 APRN Midwest Conference - Firearm Violence: How APRNs Can Stop the Bleed
CE Information
1.0 contact hourCompletion Time
1 hourAvailable Until
December 31, 2025Navigate
Emergency and OtherFirearm violence is the leading cause of childhood, teen and young adult death in America, as well as the top mechanism of suicide. Firearm mortality has risen 34.9% between 2010 and 2020 with a worsening surge since the COVID-19 pandemic². In 2020 there were 45,000 deaths and twice the number of non-fatal injuries. Firearm related injury must be treated as an urgent public health problem. Primary, secondary and tertiary levels of prevention will be addressed. Hands on train the trainer education of the American College of Surgeon’s Stop the Bleed program will be provided. APRNs who complete this course meet the requirements to become Stop the Bleed trainers.
Learning Objectives
Understand the Fundamentals of Bleeding Control: Equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge to recognize life-threatening bleeding and apply immediate and effective methods of bleeding control, including direct pressure, wound packing, and the proper application of tourniquets.
Address Firearm Violence as a Public Health Issue: Educate healthcare providers on the scope and impact of firearm violence, including epidemiological data and the public health approach required to manage and mitigate its effects on communities.
Implement STOP THE BLEED® Protocols in Emergency Situations: Train participants to effectively use the STOP THE BLEED® guidelines to manage bleeding in emergencies involving firearm injuries, ensuring they can provide critical care in the crucial moments following an incident.
Learning Outcome Evaluation: Participants will state one thing they learned from the program and how they will implement it into their practice.

Megan Mattingly is a board-certified acute care nurse practitioner. She graduated from the University of Illinois with her BSN in 2008 and MSN from Rush University in 2014. Her clinical experience at Rush University Medical Center and the University of Chicago included roles in medical-surgical nursing and critical care. Currently, Megan splits her time between adult inpatient rehabilitation at the Shirley Ryan Abilitylab in Chicago and critical care at Endeavor Health in the Chicagoland suburbs. Megan became a “Stop the Bleed” instructor in 2022.
CE Information
This activity offers 1.0 contact hour to attendees.
Accredited by Illinois Nurses Foundation is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
The Illinois Nurses Foundation and the Illinois Society for Advanced Practice Nursing jointly provided this program.
To earn contact hours, learners must watch the entire webinar and submit an evaluation to receive the digital certificate after the session.
There are no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies for those involved with the ability to control the content of this activity
Activity Content
Registration to this activity includes access to the following supporting materials.
- Firearm Violence: How APRNs Can Stop the Bleed Session Handout (Size: 36.2 MB)
Duration: about 1 hour | Quality: HD
4 questions
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